There are many traditions within Paganism, Wicca, and Witchcraft. All religions have laws and guidance.   Many follow along the lines of the golden rule of Do unto others as you would like done unto you.   Wicca has the rule of three.    Gray witchcraft believes more on do what you have to do to protect yourself and the ones you love.  These are just examples and a beginning of redes and creeds.  There also many interpretations of the redes and creeds.   Some believe even though the Wiccan Rede states “Harm none” it doesn’t mean that you can’t protect yourself.     My advise to any witch is find what speaks to you and explore it.   Not every witch is Wiccan you have to find your calling.





Gray Witch’s Creed

Our Creed

I give myself unto the God/dess,
The creators of our universe,
For they are the Spirit of Love,
Who formed us from the Earth,
I live in the Unity that is Them,
Complete and as One,
And believe Their love shines brightly,
Through the Earth, Moon, and Sun,
I believe there is balance,
I shall seek it everywhere,
I believe it’s my duty to live,
To seek love and to share,
I trust in the power of magick,
Which is rooted in my faith,
And I trust in my family and coven,
To keep and make all safe,

So mote it be!

Creed Of The Green Witch

By Ann Moura

I Acknowledge the Unity of the Divine, symbolized by the Divine Androgyne, aspected as female and male, Goddess and God, form and energy, lunar and solar powers, honored during the Wheel of the Year as Esbats, Sabbats, and sacred days.

I Acknowledge the immanence of the Divine, whose Spirit resides in all things and worlds, creating a unity of All in Oneness and kinship through the Goddess and the God.

I Acknowledge that the Elementals Earth, Air, Fire, and Water are extensions of the Goddess and the God, both external and indwelling kith and kin, connecting all through Spirit.

I Acknowledge the immortality of the individual spirit, comforted by the God in Underworld, refreshed by the Goddess in Summerland, choosing incarnation by form, place, and soul purpose.

I Acknowledge that the God lovingly demonstrates the life cycle in His yearly passage through the Sabbats. He is born as the Oak King of the Goddess as Mother at Yule; cleansed and carried by the Crone into the arms of the Mother at Imbolc to be nourished by the milk of Her love. At Ostara, the Goddess transforms as Maiden and joins the God that They may walk as the Lady and the Lord of the Wild Wood to awaken the Earth from the sleep of Herself as Crone of Winter. The God and Goddess unite at Beltane to bring renewal to the Earth, and at their Litha wedding, the God shows His face of wisdom and age, turning from Oak King to Holly King as He begets Himself of the Goddess. At Lughnassadh, the God enters into the Goddess aspected as Mother Earth, filling Her abundance with the life essence of His solar energy. He enriches the vines and barleycorn with the essence of His Spirit at Mabon. He enters into Underworld, leads the Wild Hunt as the Horned Hunter, gathering the dead to His realm, He rules Underworld as the Lord of Shadows, where He offers rest, solace, and release of burdens to spirits at the end of each incarnation. At Samhain, the God passes His Spirit through the Goddess, making thin the veil between the worlds by their union of shadow and light, turning the Tomb of the Crone into the Womb of the Mother. At Yule the God as Sage offers His blessings and farewell to the children of the world, then turns His face to join them as the Infant Oak King reborn. Through the Wheel of the Year is the path of perfect love and perfect trust in the Divine demonstrated, that we may walk with the Goddess and the God in the bond of love.

I Acknowledge the three great Mysteries: the Ancient God as Father and Son; the Maiden Goddess as Mother and Crone: and the Union of Tomb and Womb for the eternal cycle of Life Immortal.


Wiccan Rede

The Wiccan Rede (full version)

Wiccan Creed

Gray Witchcraft

Creed of the Green Witch

The Solitary Witch’s Rede