Lost Teachings of the Runes by Ingrid Kincaid


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Lost Teachings of the Runes presents a life-affirming, death-honoring approach that returns the runes to a place of balance, of light and dark, of order and chaos, back to the roots and branches of the World Tree. It invites the reader to journey to the realms of past and future that exist hidden beyond the horizon and beneath our feet. Using an engaging blend of stories, meditations and ancestral knowing, author Ingrid Kincaid explores Northern Mysteries from the center of the Wheel of Life, demonstrating ways the Wheel can be used to connect ancient wisdom with modern living. She offers tools and teachings that may be used on a daily basis to enable readers to reconnect with their ancestors, reclaim their heritage and live more harmoniously with the earth. A 6″ x 8″ paperback book with 304 pages.

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